The conference and workshops program is now available.

Conference presentations:

Keynote Speech:
  • Embedded Systems Dependability (Fly-by-Wire)
    Pascal Traverse - Airbus

    Safety is the priority in aviation. The reason is obvious: people's lives are at stake and this is ingrained in the industry (operators and manufacturers, regulation agencies).
    Instead of a wide description of the systems safety process, which is generally known and well documented, we will rather focus on a few important points, not always part of conventional wisdom. We intend to show that safety process is fully embedded in design, that the ubiquitous and magic number of 10-9 is only a tiny part of the solution, the multiple dimensions of the issue and the overall resilience of the process. This will be supported by examples taken from Airbus Fly-by-Wire system, typical of critical embedded systems and encompassing multiple dependability features. Architecture is highly fault-tolerant while fault prevention and removal is always in focus.

    Pascal Traverse doctorate was on dependable computing and was directed by the late Jean-Claude Laprie and by Jean Arlat in LAAS. He graduated before as an engineer from ENSEEIHT and after visited UCLA to work with Al Avizienis.
    He entered AIRBUS in 1985 and had the opportunity to participate to the design of the flight-by-wire system of the A320, the first time such a system was on a civil airplane. He then went on with the subsequent Airbus fly-by-wire developments, then leading the overall Airbus systems safety activities. Two of his patents are flying and some bits of Aviation Safety regulation are his authoring.
    He then focused on resilience: his own by working three years in the A380 Final Assembly Line and then Airbus Engineering’ as he is currently moving this organisation closer to manufacturing concerns.
    With colleagues, he recently set-up a seminar on embedded critical systems (

Accepted papers:

Session 1: Distributed Protocols
  • CADA: Collaborative Auditing for Distributed Aggregation - José Valerio, Pascal Felber, Martin Rajman and Etienne Rivière
  • Swarm Synthesis of Convergence for Symmetric Protocols - Ali Ebnenasir and Aly Farahat
  • An Eventual alpha Partition-Participant Detector for MANETs - Léon Lim and Denis Conan

Session 2: Software and Data Replication
  • From Byzantine Consensus to BFT State Machine Replication: A Latency-Optimal Transformation - João Sousa and Alysson Bessani
  • Eliminating Single Points of Failure in Software-Based Redundancy - Peter Ulbrich, Martin Hoffmann, Rüdiger Kapitza, Daniel Lohmann, Reiner Schmid and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat
  • A Mirrored Data Structures Approach to Diverse Partial Memory Replication - Ryan Lefever, Vikram Adve and William Sanders

Session 3: Embedded Systems and Critical Infrastructures
  • Testing the Input Timing Robustness of Real-time Control Software for Autonomous Systems - David Powell, Jean Arlat, Hoang Nam Chu, Félix Ingrand and Marc-Olivier Killijian
  • Analysis of Electric Power Systems accounting for interdependencies in heterogeneous scenarios - Silvano Chiaradonna, Felicita Di Giandomenico and Nicola Nostro
  • Log Analytics for Dependable Enterprise Telephony (industrial track paper) - Chuanwen Chen, Navjot Singh and Shalini Yajnik

Session 4: Security in Large Scale Systems
  • Security of Electrostatic Field Persistent Routing: Attacks and Defense Mechanisms - Oliviu Ghica, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Goce Trajcevski and Peter Scheuermann
  • ANKLE: Detecting Attacks in Large Scale Systems via Information Divergence - Emmanuelle Anceaume, Yann Busnel and Sébastien Gambs
  • The Provenance of WINE (prototype/tool description paper) - Tudor Dumitras and Petros Efstathopoulos

Session 5: Safety-Critical Systems
  • Leveraging Multi-Core Computing Architectures in Avionics - Jan Nowotsch and Michael Paulitsch
  • Realization of Timed Broadcast via Off-the-Shelf WLAN DCF Technology for Safety-critical Systems - Boris Malinowsky, Hans-Peter Schwefel, Jesper Grønbæk, Andrea Ceccarelli, Andrea Bondavalli and Edgar Nett
  • Formal Development of Critical Multi-Agent Systems: A Refinement Approach (practical experience report) - Inna Pereverzeva, Elena Troubitsyna and Linas Laibinis

Session 6: Dependability and Performance Benchmarking
  • Experimental Analysis of Binary-Level Software Fault Injection in Complex Software - Domenico Cotroneo, Anna Lanzaro, Roberto Natella and Ricardo Barbosa
  • Changeloads for Resilience Benchmarking of Self-Adaptive Systems: A Risk-Based Approach - Raquel Almeida and Marco Vieira
  • Exploring Uncertainty of Delays as a Factor in End-to-End Cloud Response Time (practical experience report) - Anatoliy Gorbenko, Vyacheslav Kharchenko, Alexander Romanovsky and Olga Tarasyuk

Session 7: Failure Detection and Diagnosis
  • A Time-Free Byzantine Failure Detector for Dynamic Networks - Fabiola Greve, Murilo De Lima, Luciana Arantes and Pierre Sens
  • MultiPathPrivacy: Enhanced Privacy in Fault Replication - Pedro Louro, João Garcia and Paolo Romano
  • Applying Data Mining for Detecting Anomalies in Satellites (practical experience report) - Denise Rotondi, Ana Maria Ambrosio and Marco Vieira

Session 8: Hardware Fault-Tolerance
  • Memory Mapped SPM: Protecting Instruction Scratchpad Memory in Embedded Systems against Soft Errors - Hamed Farbeh, Mahdi Fazeli, Faramarz Khosravi and Seyed Ghassem Miremadi
  • Designing Robust GALS Circuits with Triple Modular Redundancy - Jakob Lechner
  • On the Development of a Real-Time Ethernet Switch for Ultra-Highly Dependable Applications (industrial track paper) - Dumitru-Mircea Chimerel, Costel Patrascu, Sabina Anghel, Yuval Katz and Wilfried Steiner